all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 7AA 7 52.188755 0.138767
CB1 7AB 0 52.18793 0.139123
CB1 7AD 0 52.187676 0.139242
CB1 7AF 0 52.18767 0.140558
CB1 7AG 5 52.188515 0.140599
CB1 7AJ 8 52.188057 0.14277
CB1 7AL 0 52.187887 0.143978
CB1 7AN 2 52.187652 0.145517
CB1 7AQ 1 52.188627 0.139332
CB1 7AR 1 52.185496 0.149817
CB1 7AS 0 52.185999 0.149402
CB1 7AT 0 52.185365 0.150615
CB1 7AU 2 52.187017 0.149758
CB1 7AW 10 52.187355 0.147478
CB1 7AY 0 52.186319 0.151085
CB1 7BB 0 52.188089 0.140242
CB1 7BH 1 52.188518 0.140394
CB1 7BJ 1 52.188253 0.142108
CB1 7BN 10 52.18942 0.138272
CB1 7BS 5 52.188731 0.141063